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Arizona’s Holiday Crack Down on DUI

The holiday season sees many festive celebrations, and many of these parties involve an increase in alcohol consumption. The holiday season also sees an increase in drunk driving accidents and arrests. Because of an increase in DUI over Thanksgiving and Christmas, DUI task forces throughout the Phoenix area were on the hunt for drunk drivers over New Years.

Arizona has some of the toughest DUI laws in the country. Along with high fines and mandatory jail time, those with a DUI conviction with a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher are now required to install a breathalyzer ignition interlock device in their vehicles. Those who are convicted with a BAC of .20 or higher can expect a minimum of 45 days in jail and high fines.

According to Sgt. Troy Kranz, Arizona is a state that is committed to keeping its people safe from DUI. He went on to say that “the Southern Arizona DUI Task Force and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety really tries to crack down on DUI driving this time of year.”

Plan Ahead and Avoid a DUI

Because the holidays offer many parties and other opportunities for people to consume alcohol, drunk driving is a possibility. Because Arizona’s DUI laws are so strict, it is wise to plan ahead instead of drinking and driving. According to Sgt. Brian Dever a little planning can go a long way in preventing a DUI. According to Dever, “Most people drive under the influence because they didn’t have a plan not to.”

Unfortunately, many of the drivers on the roads over New Year’s Eve and Day did not think they were impaired at the time. According to Penny Cramer, assistant to County Attorney Sheila Polk “DUIs filed as Class 1 Misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of six months in…County Jail, a maximum term of probation of three years … and a maximum fine of $2,500 plus 83 percent in surcharges.” These penalties can cause you to lose your job and suffer financial problems at a minimum.

What to Do If You Get a DUI

A DUI conviction in Arizona carries heavy penalties. If you have been arrested and charged with an Arizona DUI, you need to contact the Law Offices of Alex Lane immediately to begin the process of building your strongest defense. Our experienced defense attorneys can provide the critical legal help you need when fighting a DUI charge.


If you have been charged with a DUI, drug charge, sex crime or any serious criminal offense, let an experienced defense team fight for you. Schedule a consultation with one of our partners today. Call (480) 562-3482 or send an email.